Make your vacation memories unforgetablle and take your family and friends out on marvellous part of Cetina river perfect for everybody.

Paddle trough scenic parts full of natural beauty and miraculous landscape and enjoy on this carefree adventure with our experience guide.


This is great part for begginers because class of rapids on this 11km long part are most 1 and 2 (on scale 1-6) and the biggest rapid has some elementary of class 3.

On some places canyon is really narow which is main reason for using mini raft for 3 person on this part of river which guarranted more fun and easyer way to avoid the rocks.

Our team cares about safety, because of that before every start your guide will take safety talk about 5-10 min and explain you everything about river, boats, padaling and all things you should know about rafting trip which include using all neccesary equipment properly, avoid injures and accidents.


  • Duration : 11km (3h)
  • Price : 400HRK (55€)
  • Minimum age : 6 (or on request )